08-06-18 - Multiplayer! ..and other dope bugs.

Whats better than one? – probably two… so THUS multiplayer is in!

Just a couple of hombres flinging and slinging and having a grand ‘ol time! Networking and Steam integration seem pretty solid. We had a blast making a mess of things and screwing around with the latest and greatest of bugs: Landplanes and Aerobatic Smoke!

OH, and here’s a freebie for all dem’ gam’ devs! ( yeah AF stands for what you think )

Have fun with this desert landscape environment we created a while back while prototyping another game. We’re not sure how y’all are going about making your landscapes in your game engines – so we kinda went overboard and included a bunch of shit to get you going. Anyhow, feel free to use it however you’d like – credit would be lovely. Use these at your own discretion and risk of course!

Download it from our blog here!

Be sure to follow our Twitter and visit our site ( rawmengame.com ) for more consistent updates and sign up to find out about when our Kickstarter goes live!

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